Creating Effective AI Prompts for Educators

In today’s educational landscape, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) has opened up new possibilities for educators. AI-powered models like ChatGPT can assist teachers and administrators in various tasks, from grading essays to completing administrative paperwork. However, to maximize the benefits of AI prompts and ensure quality outcomes, educators need to craft effective prompts that yield accurate and relevant responses. In this article, we will explore the best practices for creating prompts that cater specifically to the needs of educators, providing valuable insights and examples of how to improve prompts for optimal results.

Advice for Writing Prompts

  1. Define Your Objectives:
    Before creating AI prompts, it’s essential to clarify your objectives. Determine the purpose of the prompts and what specific outcomes you are seeking. For educators, this could involve grading essays, generating walk-through reviews, or completing administrative paperwork.
  2. Prompts for Teachers:
    For teachers, prompts can revolve around grading essays using AI assistance or generating creative lesson plans. Consider providing a clear rubric or guidelines for the AI model’s evaluation process. Remember to focus on specific subjects or disciplines to align the prompts with the educators’ teaching areas.
  3. Prompts for Administrators:
    Administrators can benefit from prompts that aid in tasks such as completing administrative paperwork or writing walk-through reviews (e.g., TTESS). Ensure that the prompts align with their specific administrative responsibilities and provide guidance to generate accurate and precise responses.
  4. Ethical Considerations:
    When creating AI prompts, it is crucial to address ethical considerations. Educators should avoid including personally identifiable information (PII) or student-related data in their prompts to ensure privacy and compliance with privacy regulations. Consult with school administrations regarding specific ethical guidelines that need to be followed.
  5. Educators’ Role in Interacting with AI-generated Responses:
    Educators must understand that AI-generated responses are creative and only sometimes accurate. Please exercise critical thinking and professional judgment when reviewing and using AI-generated content. Verify information from reliable sources, cross-reference responses, and consult subject matter experts if needed. For example, according to the New York Times article by Benjamin Weiser and Nate Schweber, “[L]awyer, Steven A. Schwartz… who relied on A.I. to craft a motion full of made-up case law said he ‘did not comprehend’ that the chat bot could lead him astray.” And now, “judge, P. Kevin Castel, said he would now consider whether to impose sanctions” (The ChatGPT Lawyer Explains Himself, June 8, 2023).
  6. Leveraging the “Edit” Button:
    AI models like ChatGPT provide an “edit” button that allows educators to refine their prompts if the responses are not as intended. Educators should embrace an iterative approach, experimenting with different prompts and making necessary edits to guide the AI model toward generating better and more relevant responses.
  7. Building a Professional Learning Network (PLN):
    Encourage educators to build a PLN where they can collaborate, ask questions, and share experiences related to AI prompts. Engaging in social media platforms, online communities, and professional development opportunities can provide valuable resources and support for educators.
  8. Continuously Learn and Improve:
    Encourage educators to continuously learn about AI advancements, share their experiences within the PLN, and analyze the effectiveness of their prompts. By leveraging feedback and seeking professional development, educators can enhance their ability to create effective AI prompts and navigate potential challenges effectively.

My Template Prompt for Effective AI Content

Here’s a template for creating effective AI responses from ChatGPT:

Act as an expert {in topic, subject, or profession}. Ask me one question at a time until you are completely confident in generating {a/n final product needed}.

The template came to me when I was stuck trying to figure out what to write. Originally I wanted a prompt to create prompts. However, I realized that what I needed was help articulating (written and spoken) my ideas in to words. I tried it on Google Bard and this template was not effective.


Creating effective AI prompts for educators is a powerful tool to enhance teaching and administrative tasks. By following the best practices outlined in this article, educators can optimize the outcomes of AI-generated responses. Defining objectives, considering the audience, providing clear instructions, and iterating through edits when necessary is essential. Furthermore, educators should exercise critical thinking, collaborate within their PLN, and continuously improve their understanding of AI prompts. With these strategies, educators can harness the potential of AI to enhance their teaching and administrative practices, fostering a more efficient and effective educational environment.


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