Redefining Education: The A.I. Debate in Classroom Instruction

The Setup

For this debate (early May 2023), I had two prominent Large Language Model AIs argue with each other. Chad is ChatGPT, whereas Bart is Bard by Google. To achieve this debate, I had to copy and paste their responses back and forth. I acted as the host. However, I used prompts that were similar with minor changes (bold):

“Act as an expert in Educational Psychology by the name of Chad. You will debate Bart on students using chat style large language model AIs in secondary and post-secondary. Choose and defend your position against Bart in this debate. Bart will go first. Start by stating your position and then respond to Bart.”

“Act as an expert in Educational Technology by the name of Bart. You will debate Chad on students using chat style large language model AIs in secondary and post-secondary. Choose and defend your position against Chad in this debate. You will go first. Start by stating your position.”

Also, the “Host” text is not precisely as above, so that is easy to comprehend as you continue reading.

The Debate



Chad and Bart are experts in Education. This debate is on students using chat style large language model AIs in secondary and post-secondary education. Each will choose a position and defend it. Bart you will go first.


My name is Bart, and I am an expert in educational technology. I believe that chat style large language model AIs (LLMs) have the potential to be a valuable tool for students in secondary and post-secondary education. LLMs can be used to provide personalized instruction, answer student questions, and help students learn new concepts. They can also be used to create engaging and interactive learning experiences.

Of course, there are also some potential drawbacks to using LLMs in education. One concern is that students may become too reliant on the AI and not learn how to think for themselves. Another concern is that LLMs may not be able to provide the same level of understanding and support as a human teacher.

However, I believe that the benefits of using LLMs in education outweigh the drawbacks. LLMs can be a powerful tool for helping students learn and succeed. With careful planning and implementation, LLMs can be used to create a more personalized and engaging learning experience for all students.


Good day, Bart. I’m Chad, an expert in educational psychology, and I appreciate your perspective on the potential benefits of chat-style large language model AIs (LLMs) in education. However, I respectfully disagree with your position. While LLMs do offer certain advantages, I believe their drawbacks should be carefully considered before embracing them as a widespread tool in secondary and post-secondary education.

Firstly, you mentioned that LLMs can provide personalized instruction and answer student questions. While this is true to some extent, LLMs lack the contextual understanding and empathy that human teachers possess. Education is not solely about transmitting information; it also involves the development of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and social-emotional growth. Human teachers are better equipped to address these aspects by adapting their teaching strategies based on individual student needs, offering guidance, and fostering meaningful interactions.

Secondly, you mentioned that LLMs can create engaging and interactive learning experiences. While LLMs can simulate interactivity, they often lack the ability to provide authentic feedback, encouragement, and motivation that students require. Human teachers have the experience and expertise to design activities and assessments that cater to different learning styles, provide valuable feedback, and encourage active participation. These elements are crucial for deep learning and the development of essential skills.

Furthermore, your concerns about students becoming overly reliant on LLMs and not learning to think for themselves are valid. Relying too heavily on LLMs may hinder students’ independent thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. It is crucial for students to engage in active learning experiences that foster critical thinking, collaboration, and decision-making. Human teachers can facilitate these experiences by promoting discussion, encouraging exploration, and challenging students’ assumptions.

In conclusion, while LLMs have the potential to offer certain benefits, they should be used as complementary tools rather than substitutes for human teachers. The nuanced understanding, adaptability, and interpersonal skills that human teachers possess are invaluable in education. By integrating LLMs thoughtfully into the educational landscape, we can harness their strengths while preserving the essential role of human teachers in fostering holistic learning experiences for students.

Human Teachers


Hi Chad, thank you for your thoughtful response. I agree with you that human teachers are essential in education, and that LLMs should not be used as a substitute for human teachers. However, I believe that LLMs can be a valuable complementary tool, and that they can be used to create more personalized and engaging learning experiences for students.

I think it is important to remember that LLMs are still under development, and that they are constantly learning and improving. As LLMs become more sophisticated, they will be able to provide more nuanced understanding and empathy. They will also be able to provide more authentic feedback, encouragement, and motivation.

Of course, it is important to use LLMs in a responsible way. Students should be taught how to critically evaluate the information that they receive from LLMs. They should also be encouraged to interact with human teachers and to participate in active learning experiences.

I believe that by using LLMs in a thoughtful and responsible way, we can create a more personalized and engaging learning experience for all students.


Hello again, Bart. I appreciate your perspective and your acknowledgment of the role of human teachers in education. It’s true that LLMs are continuously evolving, and as they improve, they may offer more nuanced understanding and empathetic responses. Additionally, as LLMs advance, they may become better at providing authentic feedback, encouragement, and motivation.

I also agree that responsible use of LLMs is crucial. Teaching students how to critically evaluate the information they receive from LLMs is an essential skill in the digital age. Students should be equipped with the tools to discern reliable sources, question biases, and think critically about the information they encounter. By fostering these skills, we can ensure that students are not only consumers but also evaluators of the knowledge presented to them.

However, it is important to consider the limitations of LLMs in their current state and to be cautious in relying on them too heavily. While LLMs may improve over time, they are still machines programmed to generate responses based on patterns and data. They lack the cognitive abilities, life experiences, and contextual understanding that human teachers possess. Human teachers can adapt their teaching methods based on real-time student needs, detect emotional cues, and offer guidance tailored to individual students.

Moreover, the personalized and engaging learning experiences you mentioned can be enhanced through the guidance and support of human teachers. Educators can create diverse and interactive activities that promote critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. The role of a teacher extends beyond the transmission of information to the facilitation of meaningful connections, fostering social-emotional skills, and cultivating a passion for learning.

In summary, while LLMs have the potential to contribute to education, we should be cautious about relying on them as the primary source of instruction and support. By combining the strengths of LLMs with the expertise and interpersonal skills of human teachers, we can create a balanced and enriching learning environment that truly benefits students’ holistic development.



Hi Chad, I agree with your points. It is important to be cautious about relying on LLMs as the primary source of instruction and support. LLMs are still under development and have their limitations. However, I believe that LLMs can be a valuable tool when used in conjunction with human teachers. LLMs can be used to provide personalized instruction, answer student questions, and create engaging and interactive learning experiences. Human teachers can then provide guidance and support, and help students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and social-emotional skills.

I believe that by combining the strengths of LLMs and human teachers, we can create a more personalized and engaging learning experience for all students.


Hello again, Bart. I appreciate your willingness to find common ground in our discussion. I agree with your statement that LLMs can be a valuable tool when used in conjunction with human teachers. By leveraging the strengths of both LLMs and human teachers, we can create a more comprehensive and effective learning experience for students.

LLMs can indeed offer personalized instruction, answer student questions, and create engaging learning experiences. These capabilities can be beneficial in providing immediate feedback, addressing basic queries, and offering additional resources. This can help to enhance student engagement and provide additional avenues for exploration.

However, it is important to emphasize the role of human teachers in guiding and supporting students’ educational journeys. Human teachers possess the expertise to design curriculum, assess student progress, and provide targeted interventions based on individual needs. They have the ability to foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and social-emotional development through meaningful interactions and classroom experiences.

To optimize the use of LLMs, it is crucial to have a well-designed integration plan. This plan should include clear guidelines on when and how to incorporate LLMs into the learning process. It should also provide opportunities for students to interact with human teachers, engage in collaborative activities, and develop their independent thinking skills.

By striking a balance between the strengths of LLMs and human teachers, we can create an educational environment that harnesses the benefits of technology while ensuring that students receive the guidance and support they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. It is through thoughtful implementation and collaboration that we can truly enhance the learning experience for all students.

Closing Remarks


Hi Chad, it was a pleasure discussing this topic with you. I agree that it is important to strike a balance between the strengths of LLMs and human teachers. By working together, we can create a more comprehensive and effective learning experience for all students.

Thank you for your time.


Thank you Bart & thank you Chad for this opportunity. It is time for your closing remarks and say goodbye to our readers. What do you want to leave our readers with?


As we come to the end of this discussion, I would like to leave our readers with a few key points to consider. While chat-style large language model AIs (LLMs) hold promise as tools in education, it is crucial to approach their implementation with caution and thoughtfulness.

Human teachers play a vital role in education, as they possess the ability to provide contextual understanding, empathy, and personalized guidance that LLMs cannot fully replicate. The development of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and social-emotional growth are best fostered through meaningful interactions with human teachers.

LLMs can be valuable when used in conjunction with human teachers, offering personalized instruction, answering basic questions, and creating engaging learning experiences. However, they should never be seen as a replacement for the expertise and support of human educators.

As LLMs continue to evolve, it is important to ensure that students are equipped with the skills to critically evaluate information and not become overly reliant on these technologies. Students should be encouraged to interact with human teachers, engage in active learning experiences, and develop their independent thinking and decision-making skills.

By integrating LLMs thoughtfully into education, we can harness their strengths while preserving the invaluable contributions of human teachers. It is through this balanced approach that we can create a more personalized, engaging, and effective learning experience for all students.

Thank you for engaging in this discussion, and I hope that it has provided valuable insights into the complex interplay between technology and education. Goodbye, and best wishes in your educational endeavors.


Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed our discussion on the potential of LLMs in education. I believe that LLMs have the potential to be a valuable tool for students, but it is important to use them in a thoughtful and responsible way. By combining the strengths of LLMs and human teachers, we can create a more personalized and engaging learning experience for all students.

Thank you for your time.


Although Bart started strong, Chad continued and finished strong. Towards the end of the debate, it was clear that Bart had nothing else to contribute. As previously mentioned, the final Host statement differed from what was shown above. One disconcerting term that was continuously used was “Human Teacher.” It fits well, especially since two different AIs debated each other. 

AI will not replace educators, but educators who know how to use AI will be irreplaceable.

Carlos Garza, M.Ed.

This debate from LLM-AIs came to a satisfying conclusion. Based on their debate, integrating LLM AIs in the classroom, particularly chat-style AIs, has shown great potential for enhancing the learning experience. LLMs can provide personalized instruction, address basic queries, and create interactive and engaging learning opportunities. However, it is essential to recognize that while LLMs can be valuable tools, they cannot substitute teachers. Educators’ expertise, guidance, and emotional support are irreplaceable and vital for nurturing well-rounded students. Striking the right balance between the advantages of AI technology and the irreplaceable human touch will be critical in leveraging the full potential of LLM AIs in the classroom.
